House Implosion Begins With Paxton Acquittal


The Texas Senate did the right thing. They acquitted Ken Paxton.
Not only did they do that, but the entire trial revealed just how much of a sham this impeachment was. As a result, Dan Patrick came out and gave one of the most consequential speeches in Texas history.
You won’t want to miss this week’s episode.
I also want to remind you of the fact that God is good. This is something I’ve heard a lot this weekend, but it wasn’t in the context that I necessarily agree with. So I spent a little time discussing that today.
Andrew Murr, Jared Patterson and Dade Phelan are asking their fellow Republicans to double down in support of this impeachment. They are asking the members to “cut themselves up”, a term I explain to our listeners today.
Hope you enjoy today’s show.
