What Will it Take to End Sexual Transitioning of Texas Children?  – Episode 134


What will it take to end sexual transitioning of Texas children?

The theme of today’s podcast developed a month ago when Texas Values, the largest family policy organization in Texas, proudly announced that Gov. Greg Abbott would keynote their annual policy orientation.

The organization received more than a little criticism from grassroots activists for placing a politician on a pedestal who closed churches on Easter Sunday due to his fear of a pandemic. This is the same politician who ignored the sexual transitioning of children for years until faced with legitimate primary challengers. Even then, his fabricated policy only addressed a small part of the problem.

Gov. Greg Abbott and Speaker of the Texas House Dade Phelan are standing in the way of a bill to ban puberty blockers and sex change surgeries.  Phelan, through his coordination with State Reps. Dustin Burrows and Stephanie Klick to kill the bill in the regular session, and Abbott, by refusing to support the bill in a special session.

So today I ask, if the largest family policy group in Texas will praise a Governor when he refuses to support a family policy that 95% of Republicans support, why would that Governor ever address the issue?

This special session we see Abbott again caving to the NCAA by carving them out of the sports ban he’s supporting. This is the Kristi Noem white flag to universities, while Ron Desantis said “to h*#$ with their events”.

I asked Texas Values’ Jonathan Saenz to come on the show to discuss this disagreement in a respectful manner. For a month we worked to make this happen, but Jonathan Saenz simply refused to come on the show.

