LGBT Wins Some and Loses Some in Texas – Episode 168


The Texas Supreme Court made a complex ruling this week regarding whether or not the Department of Family and Protective Services can continue to investigate parents who are abusing their children through gender transition therapy. This ruling is complex because it’s hard to enforce a law that was killed by Stephanie Klick, Dustin Burrows, and Dade Phelan.

The march of the sexual revolutionaries continues this week, as a school in Birdville ISD named a mentally challenged young man as prom queen. This young man thinks he’s a woman and came to prom dressed as a woman. This is what happens when public schools force leftist sexual ideology onto our children.

While these battles are raging, Cat Parks, the vice chair of the Texas GOP, is upset that an LGBT group is not being allowed to advance their agenda at the GOP state convention. She has even vowed to not enter the convention hall since there will not be a pro-LGBT group represented.

Have a blessed week.
